[Mailman-Users] Inline HTML and Content Filtering

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Sat Jan 8 18:02:01 CET 2005

rockyflag1991 at yahoo.com wrote:

>Is it possible to allow inline HTML without setting the content filter to "No?"
>We'd like to allow users to send HTML messages in the body of their posts while still being able to strip out attachments (e.g., executables).
>But the only way I have been able to succesfully allow inline HTML posting is by turning off all content filtering.
>Is there any compromise? Unfortunately, I have not found any answer to this in the FAQs or in a few months worth of archives of postings to this list.

If filter_mime_types is empty and pass_mime_types includes for example


SOME HTML will go through. The problem is that in
multipart/alternative, only the first remaining part after filtering
is selected. Thus, with the above, a multipart/alternative part with
both text/plain and text/html subparts will result in only the
text/plain part going to the list.

You could remove text/plain from pass_mime_types, but that would
require ALL accepted posts to be HTML. The alternative is to post HTML
only, not multipart/alternative, when you want HTML.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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