[Mailman-Users] [trivial problem] How to delete an unusual address

pbm pbm at autistici.org
Wed Feb 23 11:13:25 CET 2005

looking for the reason of some strange tracebacks of the daily maintenance
jobs, I found out they were caused by the presence in a mailing list of a
very peculiar address:

baz at domain.tld (read as: "foor\r\nbar\r\nbaz at domain.tld")

Is there a simple way to rip it out of the db? Is there, more generally, a
way to rebuild a DB from a (possibly edited) dump_db output?

I'm sure there is a trivial answer to this question - that's why the
question has been marked as "trivial" itself.

pbm - "Earn cash in your spare time: blackmail your friends."

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