[Mailman-Users] Unable to locate and email address in data base...

jean at dancecentral.com.au jean at dancecentral.com.au
Wed Feb 23 03:25:07 CET 2005


I am using mailman version 2.1.5
I am puzzled about something that has been happening several times.
I have had members who asked me to be removed from my list. Most of the time there is no problem, I can locate the email address or the name and delete it.
Once in a while I deal with people who had a forwarding to their email and the email address we have is not the same as the one they want removed, however it's not difficult and with a bit of investigating we can easily locate the email address to be removed and we just do that.
lately I have had some people with hotmail.com addresses asking to be removed and no matter how hard I try or how wide I make my search (sometimes just a few letters of their email address), I can't come up with their name or address. They are sure they subscribed under the same name and address....
Is there something I am missing ? Is this a common problem?

Jean-Luc Stora
Dance Central
Level 1 - 268 Cleveland St
Surry Hills 2010
Ph: 02 9319-2268

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