[Mailman-Users] mail not being sent/received

jpsota at gmail.com jpsota at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 04:44:17 CET 2005

I'm in the process of configuring my new mailman install. I'm able to
access the mailman admin interface and set up a list and add new
members. However, when I send mail to that list, I get no response.
Furthermore, the mail archives do not contain any messages. My server
is behind a router, but I'm forwarding port 25 (SMTP) to the correct
host. When I created the new list and added members, those members
never received confirmation emails, so it seems like messages are
neither being sent nor received. I have verified that sendmail is
indeed running.

I'm not sure how to go about troubleshooting at this point. Does
anyone have an ideas?


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