[Mailman-Users] confusing permission errors, help please

Hugh Esco he at reclaimedcomputers.ca
Tue Dec 20 07:23:29 CET 2005

I might need to do several instances of mailman before the new year, sailed right through my first install, but got stuck on the second one.  I'm seeking advice on how to build this.  Apparently I will need a distinct instance for each virtual host of the $prefix heirarchy.  I'm wondering though if I can have only a single copy of the installation directory which is created from unpacking the tar ball.   

Also, I'm creating a unique vhost specific user for each instance of mailman.  Is this overkill?  Can a single mailman user support multiple vhosts?  

At any rate, to the error at hand:  

At:  http://mumble.example.ca/mailman/listinfo
Browser reports error as:  

You don't have permission to access /mailman/listinfo on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

/var/log/apache/mumble-error.log says:  
[Mon Dec 19 22:43:27 2005] [error] [client nn.nnn.nn.nnn] (13)Permission denied: access to /mailman/listinfo denied

permissions on directory and file are:  

drwxrwsr-x   2 mumble mumble  320 Dec 19 18:38 cgi-bin
-rwxr-sr-x  1 mumble mumble 36637 Dec 19 18:38 cgi-bin/listinfo

apache configuration (which works based on function of other aliases) includes: 
   ScriptAlias /mailman/ /u/m/mumble/mailman/cgi-bin/

OK.  I'm stumped.  

I would think that perhaps adding the apache user to the mumble group might do it, but /etc/group shows that the instance of mailman I put up two days ago (another virtual host on the same gentoo server), which works, did not require that intervention.  And I see that the permissions are 02755 on the script, so apache ought to be able to execute the script regardless.  

Any ideas how to make this error go away and for this installation to work?  All help is appreciated.  Thanks.  

-- Hugh 

RCK Computer Services 

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