[Mailman-Users] Permissions problem accessing commands via php

Christopher X. Candreva chris at westnet.com
Fri Dec 9 21:20:16 CET 2005

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, John Dennis wrote:

> 2) The php script invokes a wrapper just like the CGI does. This is
> preferred for a variety of security reasons. It would not be hard to
> create a new wrapper from the existing wrapper src code.

I'm giving serious thought to writing a mailman 'server', sort of like 
an SQL server process. It would let a cgi authenticate, then issue commands.
Today it could just call the CLI programs, someday -- it could be the actual 
way MailMan does its work, with the other programs calling it.

Drifting off topic . . . I've done mostly thinking about this because I 
don't know a lick of python, but it seems to me MailMan and the developers 
might benefit from breaking it up into more of a frontend/backend system. A 
'server' process that accepts messages, sends them from the queue, manages 
users, etc. Then the web stuff would be one front end to this. There could 
then be other front ends -- integrating with packages like PostNuke, 
shopping carts, etc.

The Unix way is small programs that do one job well. :-)

Am I the only one who thinks this is a good idea ? I'm willing to help how I 
can, and have zero interest in starting a fork. :-)


Chris Candreva  -- chris at westnet.com -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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