[Mailman-Users] unsubscribe without confirmation

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Fri Dec 9 05:47:24 CET 2005

Jeff Stubbs wrote:
>Like the OP, I was searching for an "unsubscribe without  
>confirmation" solution for a single list (out of a dozen or so), when  
>I ran across Mark's patch from July of this year. I'm still low on  
>mailman's learning curve and python isn't my strong point. So I have  
>a quick question.
>The environment is Mac OS X 10.4.3 client, Postfix 2.2.5, Mailman 2.1.6
>If I interpreted the patch and cmd_unsubscribe.py correctly, this  
>patch affects the entire Mailman installation, correct?

Correct. It only affects unsubscribe by email, but it affects email
unsubscribes for the entire installation.

It would be pretty easy to modify the patch to test some list attribute
(a locally defined one set by withlist) to determine whether or not to
skip the things that the patch deletes.

Also, one could instead patch the ConfirmUnsubscription method in
Mailman/MailList.py if one wanted to skip confirmations of
unsubscribes from all sources (conditionally by list or not).

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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