[Mailman-Users] "Server not connected" in smtp-failure log

Mike Hanby flakrat at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 30 18:53:27 CEST 2005

Bah, ok, I'm still having trouble with this.  Some of the people on the list
get the emails from the list, but a bunch of others get this error in
smtp-failure like
delivery to joe at domain.com failed with code -1: Server not connected
delivery to jim at example.com failed with code -1: Server not connected
delivery to dave at stuff.com failed with code -1: Server not connected
delivery to amy at somesite.net failed with code -1: Server not connected
and so on

I've tried that setting SMTPHOST '' and SMTPHOST '' and
also it's MX ip address, and all result in the following error:

Low level smtp error: Server not connected, msgid:
<20050829150816.EA2F933942 at mail.mydomain.com>

Commenting out SMTPHOST gets rid of the above "Low level smtp" error, but
the "Server not connected" errors continue.

My MTA is PostFix

-----Original Message-----
From: mailman-users-bounces+flakrat=yahoo.com at python.org
[mailto:mailman-users-bounces+flakrat=yahoo.com at python.org] On Behalf Of
Mike Hanby
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:52
To: mailman-users at python.org
Subject: [Mailman-Users] "Server not connected" in smtp-failure log

Howdy all,

I have my mailman list set up as an E-Newsletter distribution list, i.e.
only email that I approve goes out to the list.

I am seeing the following errors being repeated over and over in my
/usr/local/mailman/logs/smtp-failure log

delivery to joe at domain.com failed with code -1: Server not connected

I found a possible solution to this in mailman-users list:
	Write this line in your mm_cfg.py
	MTA = 'Postfix'
	SMTPHOST = 'aa.bb.cc.dd'

I already had the MTA line correct, but didn't have the SMTPHOST line.  I've
added that line.

My questions:
	1) do I need to do anything to get mailman to re-read mm_cfg.py?
	2) Will mailman re-attempt to deliver the email to this user or will
he have to wait for my next newsletter email? (remember this is an
E-Newsletter type list)

Thanks, Mike

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