[Mailman-Users] keep back mails of users

Hannah Schroeter hannah at schlund.de
Tue Aug 30 14:37:34 CEST 2005


On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 02:31:53PM +0200, Martin Held wrote:
>i'm a beginner and i have a question. perhaps somebody of 
>you know the answer.

>i created a new list for mailman.
>now a want 2 kinds of users:
>- the first group should be able to send the mail directly to mailman and
>should dispose the mail to the list members.
>- the second group of users can send mails too. but the mail needs a release
>the administrator. 

>is this possible ?

>how ?

IIRC you can set a "moderated" flag individually for users.

All users that are *not* moderated have their mails passed through
immediately, the others' contributions are held back and an
administrator or moderator has to pass them through.

Kind regards,


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