[Mailman-Users] Admin user stopped working

Jim Tittsler jwt at onjapan.net
Tue Aug 16 09:07:46 CEST 2005

On Aug 16, 2005, at 02:58, Mark Ballard wrote:

> For some reason my admin user stopped working for my mail lists.

Have you checked the mail server logs to make certain the  
administrative mail is not being sent?

> I created a new admin user with a new email address and it works
> fine. I deleted the old admin user and tried to rejoin as just a
> regular user with the same admin user email address. Everything looks
> fine but it does not send a confirmation to the old admin address and
> when I go to the admindb it doesn't show anyone waiting to be  
> confirmed.

Is the list configured to require administrative approval to  
subscribe?  If not, then you won't see anyone "waiting to be  
confirmed" via the administrative web interface.

Do the logs show the mail being sent?  Any clues in the Mailman  
'subscribe' or 'vette' logs?

It may be worth noting that there is not really an 'admin user' email  
address.  Each list has 'owner' (and optionally, 'moderator') email  
addresses that can be notified by mail when lists require certain  
actions.  What determines access to parts of the administrative  
interface is the password... either a list administrator password or  
list moderator password (or the site password).

 From your problem description, it sounds like you are having trouble  
sending mail to a particular address... and it just happens to be to  
an address that was previously listed as a list owner (or moderator).

Jim Tittsler     http://www.OnJapan.net/      GPG: 0x01159DB6
Python Starship  http://Starship.Python.net/crew/jwt/
Mailman IRC      irc://irc.freenode.net/#mailman

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