[Mailman-Users] Doubts about "-request"

Daniel Tygel dtygel at fbes.org.br
Wed Apr 27 23:25:09 CEST 2005

Hi friends,

  my name is Daniel Tygel, from Brasil. I'm the administrator of a list
which is powered by mailman (great software!!). I'm having now some
problems which I really cannot understand (my list is called
"boletim at fbes.org.br"):
  If someone sends a message to boletim-request at fbes.org.br with the
subject "help", it works allright, giving all the commands. But if
someone sends a message to boletim-request at fbes.org.br with subject
"subscribe", simply NOTHING happens! What can be wrong? Is it some
server issue or some misconfiguration?

  Thanks a lot for any help folks,

       Daniel Tygel
        Secretaria Executiva do 
 Fórum Brasileiro de Economia Solidária
              Brasília - DF
            dtygel at fbes.org.br

   Usando sistema operacional LIVRE:
 UBUNTU linux Warty, baseado em debian

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