[Mailman-Users] Modifiy Subject

Jess Mooers jmooers at landmannassoc.com
Fri Apr 15 20:25:33 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I have a list called New_Listing and it is for a client of mine called CIREX.  I have modified the "Prefix for subject line of list postings." to prepend [CIREX] to the subject.  However, I have noticed that the [CIREX] is not prepended for the "Welcome" message or any subscription messages for that matter.  

I have already created a list language template folder and am successfully altering the stock messages for the list, but I can't seem to handle the Subjects.

Jess Mooers
Landmann Associates
1423 S. Park St., Madison,, WI 53715
W 608-257-1558 F 608-257-8705

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