[Mailman-Users] In it possible to have Accept ticked by default?

Chip Mefford cmefford at eruditium.org
Thu Apr 14 02:48:44 CEST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Mark Sapiro wrote:
| Rodger Copp wrote:
|>Excuse me for asking something that may be obvious or has been asked
|>before. I searched the FAQ and archives and didn't find anything
|>related. I am not the administrator for our installation of Mailman, I'm
|>just a suit that has a question/suggestion.
|>Is it possible to have the Accept selection ticked by default instead
|>of Defer for Mailman's Moderator Administration page? If it's not
|>possible, perhaps you can put it on your "To Do" list.
| I don't think you'd want this. If it worked this way, and you happened
| not to explicitly review and set each message before 'submitting all
| data' (say you didn't happen to scroll all the way down), then
| messages you hadn't seen would be approved.

You can do it in the code. I've done similar things to change
default behavior.

However, it does beg the question, why not just set
the default non-member action to accept, if that's
going to be the default action anyway? Then you can hand-add abusers
to blacklists elsewhere.

| Approving a message you haven't reviewed is a potentially more serious
| problem than forgetting to tick the approved box and having to do it a
| second time.
| That said, feature requests can be submitted at
| http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=103&atid=350103
| --
| Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
| San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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