[Mailman-Users] Problems with aliases file

Vincent Yonemitsu yonemitsuv at bpl.on.ca
Wed Apr 6 17:11:39 CEST 2005

Hey there. I am having problems with mailman. Here is what has happened so far.

Downloaded the current release of mailman in tar and installed witht he gid for the mailman user.  Added a new list via command line. the owner can send to the mailing list and recieve but when another user tries to subscribe I get errors.

I am getting the one that says hat says it is running the scripts as nobody and they need to be run as mailman. So I figured I would try and setup a new alias file /usr/local/mailman/data/aliases
I copied the existing aliases file in /etc/aliases to that directory and removed all but the mailing list aliases. 
I then added the line
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/usr/local/mailman/data/aliases
to my /etc/postifix/main.cf file, Then I reset the permisions on that aliases file to mailman for user and group, and then rebooted. Then when I send an email to the list I get a 550 error saying the account does not exist? Am I suppposed to make an /usr/local/mailman/data/aliases.db file as well? I don't have makeman installed on that computer and I can't figure out how to install it. :( I do have it on another machine and copied the aliases file to it and created the aliases.db file using makeman hash aliases.db < aliases
Then I copied that to the /data directory and reset its persmision to mailman and still get the same thing.

I am at a loss as to what to do.

Maybe I woul dbe better off installin the outdated copy that comes with my os and going from there. Any ideas?

Vincent Yonemitsu
Burlington Public Library
Information Technology Department
Ph: (905)639-3611 ext 153
Fax: (905)681-7277
yonemitsuv at bpl.on.ca

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