[Mailman-Users] A problem with seeing my Mailman Admin pages

brent_s at mail.blackriver.k12.oh.us brent_s at mail.blackriver.k12.oh.us
Thu Sep 9 01:27:39 CEST 2004

I've been having a problem with my Mailman installation, which is running
on a RedHat Linux Fedora v. 1.150 Server.

When creating my initial mailman listserv, it sent a message to my admin
email telling me the URL of the admin page.  When I navigated to the page,
it said it couldn't be found on the server.  I think I was able to
successfully enable cgi on my web server (I did RTFM!), but that might not
be the case. Where else can I look in order to see where the process is


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