[Mailman-Users] Can't get mailman to start

Layne Meier lmeier at ajc.com
Thu Oct 28 18:52:40 CEST 2004

I'm trying to manually start mailman by typing the following command 
(while in the /usr/local/mailman directory)

bin/mailmanctl start

I get the following error:
Site list is missing: mailman

Also, when I try to get to any of the cgi's in the cgi-bin directory 
through my web browser I keep getting:

Bug in Mailman version 2.1.5

We're sorry, we hit a bug!



Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/local/mailman/scripts/driver", line 63, in run_main
      from Mailman.Logging.StampedLogger import StampedLogger
   File "/usr/local/mailmman/Mailman/Logging/StampedLogger.py", line 18, 
in ?
      import time
ImportError: ld.so.1: /usr/local/bin/python: fatal: libgcc_s.so.1: open 
failed: No such file or directory

I'm running this on a new Sun Solaris 9 build, with Postfix 2.1.5 and 
Python 2.3.4

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Layne Meier

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