[Mailman-Users] Authorized Users

Robert Haack haack at nclack.k12.or.us
Thu Oct 7 20:12:11 CEST 2004

>On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 10:02:48AM -0700, Robert Haack wrote:
>>Ok, I got the patch and applied it and I checked the source files and 
>>the patches are applied.  Then I tried it out and it didn't work so it 
>>dawned on me that I need to compile it first.  I've tried to compile it 
>>but I get the following error:
>Normally you would apply it to the source of Mailman, and the
>'make install' step would compile it for you.
>>root at nclack Gui]# python -O GUIBase.py   (I've tried it with and without 
>>the -O)
>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>File "GUIBase.py", line 22, in ?
>>  from Mailman import mm_cfg
>>ImportError: No module named Mailman
>I suspect you are applying it directly to your Mailman
>installation.  The easiest thing to do would be to just remove
>the old GUIBase.pyc file.  If the directory has mailman group
>write permissions, the compiled file will be automatically
>written the next time it is used.
>(And remember to restart mailman patching.)
Ok, I deleted the files GUIBase.pyc, GUIBase.pyo, Moderate.pyc, and 
Moderate.pyo.  Then just to make sure that Mailman was restarted I 
rebooted the server.  (I know I could have done this differently but it 
was late and I was too lazy to do it another way).  But this still is 
not working for me.  I did check the the GUIBase.pyc and Moderate.pyc 
files are now back so I know that they recompiled themselves.

Here is what I have done. 
1) I created a list called test and subscribed myself using my work 
email address.
2) I created another list called Auth_users and I subscribed myself 
using my home email address.
3) I went into the test list serv under Privacy Options, Sender Filters 
and input @Auth_users in the accept these non-members.

Then I send a message from my home email address and I get a message 
back telling me the my message has to be approved by the moderator.  So 
what's going on and why didn't it go through? 

Thank You

Robert Haack
Programmer Analyst
North Clackamas School District #12
haack at nclack.k12.or.us

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