[Mailman-Users] listinfo.py

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Tue Nov 30 19:23:40 CET 2004

Hong Jiang Tian wrote:
>When accessing the listinfo web page, it mentioned that "If you are having
>trouble using the lists, please contact mailman at mailman_hostname". 
>I needed to change the above email address from mailman at mailman_hostname to
>another email address such as admin_person at our_domain_name. I tried to
>modify /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py, but I didn't know how use
>Link function.
>Link('mailto:' + siteowner, siteowner)
>Does anyone knows how to modify Link function to another email address?

  Link(arg1, arg2)

creats an anchor tag of the form

 <a href="arg1">arg2</a>

+ is a string concatenation so in the above, 'mailto:' + siteowner is
just the concatenation of the literal string mailto: with the string
which is the value of siteowner.

Thus, in the above you could replace the siteowner occurrences with the
literal string 'admin_person at our_domain_name' or you could replace

 siteowner = Utils.get_site_email()

a few lines above with

 siteowner = 'admin_person at our_domain_name'


Changing this code is not a good way to do this. The siteowner address
is the address of the site list - mailman at mailman_hostname in your
case. The way to accomplish what you want is just to subscribe the
address admin_person at our_domain_name to the mailman at mailman_hostname

By doing it in this latter way as intended, you can change the
recipient(s) just by changing the membership of the site list. If you
change the code, you have to keep changing it, and you have to
remember to change it again anytime you install a Mailman upgrade.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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