[Mailman-Users] Generic non-members rejection notice

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Sun Nov 21 19:54:19 CET 2004

Speedy Gonzalis wrote:
>At 03:33 AM 11/21/2004, Jim Tittsler wrote:
>>On Sat, Nov 20, 2004 at 02:03:13PM +0000, Robin Becker wrote:
>>> I see this question asked, but haven't seen a reply. Is there any way to 
>>>  change the response message that non-members receive when rejection is 
>>> the chosen action?
>>They receive the message in Mailman/Handlers/Moderate.py's
>>do_reject() (or the translation of that message from the
>>correct language catalog).
>It looks to me that this is the automatic rejection of non member posts.  
>Where is the default message located that is sent when someone selects "reject" from the held messages screen.  By default it sends a message that says "No reason given".

It's in Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py (or the appropriate language

In this case, you're expected to provide the message if you want one.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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