[Mailman-Users] Problem with Mailman e-mail delivery

Brenno J.S.A.A.F. de Winter brenno at dewinter.com
Fri Nov 5 19:29:45 CET 2004


I have a new server with mailman installed on it. When testing the
MailMan-functionality I have the strangest thing. When I sent a mail to
the test list, it is delivered to the wrapper (according to the log).
But after that the e-mail seems to be archived in /dev/null, since there
is no trace. The spooky part is that the mailman-logs don't report
anything about the e-mail.

I run Debian Stable with LDAP, Cyrus, IMAP, TLS, etc. on the server and 
have Mailman 2.0.11-1woody8. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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