[Mailman-Users] MacOSX List Creation and Deletion failure through web interface

Todd Freedom_Lover at pobox.com
Mon May 17 23:34:22 CEST 2004

Hash: SHA1

mbonanno wrote:
> I've set up a Mac OS X server basically for the sole purpose of being a 
> listserv.  I set up server, created one list called test through the 
> Apple gui, and then verified that the I was receiving mail. 
> Then i attempted to create a list through the web interface and got this 
> error.  Can anyone tell me why this happened?  Is this a problem with 
> Apple's permissions?  I have done no customization to the server other 
> than running install CD and then activating Mailman, and then creating 
> my to test lists.
> Bug in Mailman version 2.1.2
> RuntimeError: command failed: /usr/sbin/postalias 
> /private/var/mailman/data/aliases (status: 1, Operation not permitted)

Check the FAQ.  It is indeed a permissions problem.


- -- 
Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Disobedience:  The silver lining to the cloud of servitude.
    -- Ambrose Bierce

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Comment: When crypto is outlawed bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.


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