[Mailman-Users] Re: Please help - I need to add a new list

Paul H Byerly paul at thcwd.com
Wed Mar 31 20:05:36 CEST 2004

On 11:02 AM 3/31/2004, mailman-users-request at python.org wrote:
>I am in a huge bind. I am a low-level administrator of the mail.rx2000.org 
>lists and the man
>that set all of it up in the beginning is nowhere to be found. I know how 
>to administer the
>lists, but beyond that, I'm at a loss. .... My organization needs me to 
>add another
>list and I'm totally stuck...

      The web interface for adding a list is at 
http://domain.tld/mailman/create .  As you would need (to reset?) the main 
mailman password, and would need to change the administrator address, using 
the command line is going to be necessary - so I'd just create from the 
list command line.  Use:

# <prefix>/mailman/bin/newlist listname

      Where <prefix> is the path to the mailman install, and listname is 
the name of the desired list.  Copy the aliases entries to the appropriate 
location on your server.

<>< Paul

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