[Mailman-Users] questions

Sam Howard sam at pmpmail.com
Mon Mar 29 22:40:27 CEST 2004

i would like to ask you a couple of questions. for example,
blind-democracy at octothorp.org. march is vol. 5 and each digest is an issue.
i know how to go on line and read each message. is there a way to go on
line and read the messages by digest, volume and issue, or ar those digests
only composed and sent to my inbox? also, can i send a request to the list
address and get messages or digests resent to my inbox via email, or do i
have to actually have to go to the archives to reread them? so you see, i
actually have 2 different questions. the version for the list is 2.1.4.
thank you. Sam Howard.
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