[Mailman-Users] Re: Postfix-style virtual domains broken in mailman 2.1.1

Shaun T. Erickson ste at smxy.org
Thu Mar 18 22:23:08 CET 2004

Boris Folgmann wrote:

> Ok, I've already tested this, but that doesn't help much. Everytime I add a
> new mailing list, genaliases is called and virtual-mailman is overwritten.
> And since mailman has all information why doesn't it add the line? Should
> be one line of code in Python, I assume. I would patch it myself, but I
> don't know the mm code and never used Python before.

You don't add that line to virtual-mailman. You add it to your already 
pre-existing virtual_alias_maps map. Mailman is assuming that you have 
already created the domain and that it works with postfix before mailman 
comes along and simply adds some additional aliases for that domain in a 
secondary map file.

So, your main.cf should have an entry similar to this:

virtual_alias_maps = hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/mysql/valiases,

You put the "some.dom.ain   foo" line in valiases, along with any other 
aliases for that domain (if you have any), and mailman puts the rest 
into virtual-mailman.


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