[Mailman-Users] Link in Footer

Vince Kronlein vince at gotimenow.com
Sat Jun 12 01:46:20 CEST 2004

Hey All,

I posted a question about this in a previous post and it is still yet unresolved.  I've looked through ALL the documentation on the python, and list.org sites and have found no answers for this.

No matter what I do or how I configure the variables the footer will not convert to a link.  It only posts to the messages as text. I even tried encapsulating it in <a href> tags and that didn't work either.

I've solved every other issue so far except this one.  BTW I am sending html email, so my final thought is perhaps I should change my email template to include the link there and just delete the footer altogether, but then email sent from other users of the list will not get a link either.

This is very strange, please give me a hand here.

Thanks so much.


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