[Mailman-Users] list thinks everyone is non-member

Bryan Fullerton fehwalker at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 17:16:27 CEST 2004

On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 09:48:02 -0400, Alan McKay <amckay at neap.net> wrote:
> Update : further investigation shows it is not every user, but most users.
> And if I go into the admin interface and unsub the user then immediately
> resub them with the same address, it appears (at least at this point)
> to fix the problem for that user.

A simple workaround then would be to dump a list of users, unsub them
all, and resub them all - making sure all notifications are disabled,
digest/non-digest is preserved, etc.

In the larger context, you could explore the config.pck file using the
withlist command and make sure it there's no strangeness in there
that's not displaying in the web interface.

You might also want to consider upgrading to 2.1.5, there have been
many bugs fixed in the past 16 months. I've found Mailman upgrades
within major revisions to be painless (but make sure you have backups
anyways :).


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