[Mailman-Users] 2.1.4 info/html issue

Fred Stutzman fred at metalab.unc.edu
Wed Jan 28 23:55:54 CET 2004


We recently upgraded to Mailman 2.1.4, and we're encountering an issue 
that I can't seem to track down.

Our user had previously configured their "info" option to include html
information.  Until the upgrade, this has always displayed on the list
front page as html.  The html is now being displayed as text.  You can see
an example of this by visiting:


For example : <! - <font size = "5"><b><em>Pacific Bulb Society Mailing List</em></b></font> 

I've spent a few hours attempting to track this issue down, but I'm 
running out of options.  I've messed with the 
DEFAULT_CONVERT_HTML_TO_PLAINTEXT options, and re-entered the "info" 
information with pure, compliant HTML.  I didn't see anything in the NEWS 
file that would explain why this is happening.

Any ideas?  Thanks, Fred 

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