[Mailman-Users] How to block spiders?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Jan 21 17:41:56 CET 2004

    Paul> Normally with an apache web server you can just place a robots.txt
    Paul> file in the root of the documents directory.  Not sure how one
    Paul> might be able to do this with mailman.

    Paul> When you take a look at the archives for a list, one sees

    Paul>    http://server-name/pipermail/list-name/

    Paul> Since there isn't a pipermail directory, one can't just place a
    Paul> robots.txt file in that directory.  

The robots.txt file only belongs in the server root.  Placing it lower in
the hierarchy isn't supported, and I doubt any spiders/crawlers would look
for it lower down.  Instead, add a Disallow: rule which references

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /pipermail/

Skip Montanaro
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