[Mailman-Users] Upgrade heldmsgs?

Zoran Dzelajlija jelly+mailman-user at srk.fer.hr
Fri Jan 9 17:27:05 CET 2004


I want to transfer some (not all!) lists from an existing 2.0.13
installation to the latest 2.1.  I'm currently having both 2.0 and 2.1
installed, and am trying to transparently migrate lists to 2.1.  Most
of the stuff is covered in UPGRADE, but I have some unresolved issues. 
Some of our customers' lists have held messages, and I don't want to
lose them on upgrade.  Is there a way to migrate 2.0-style
heldmsg-*.txt (plaintext mail messages) to mailman 2.1 (pickles)?

I would probably need to regenerate lists/*/requests.db,
data/pending.pck, what else?

What about pending subscriptions?


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