[Mailman-Users] Getting Mailman running on RedHat 9

Todd Freedom_Lover at pobox.com
Wed Jan 7 17:09:21 CET 2004

Hash: SHA1

Michel Desbordes wrote:
> I am trying to get mailman 2.1-8 running. I have done everything
> that the documentation that came with the RedHat 9 distro said to
> do.

Short answer: update your system.  That rpm has issues.

This really needs to get added to the FAQ, I don't think it's in there
but it comes up all the time still.  If I get some time later I'll do
this unless someone beats me to, compiling a few of the various
solutions and things from previous posts on this list.

I'd especially like to see the various slurs that were used against
the rpm packager included, just for fun.  I know 'crack-addicted
monkey' was used once. ;-)

- -- 
Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
I may kid around about drugs, but really, I take them seriously.
    -- Doctor Graper

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Comment: When crypto is outlawed bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.


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