[Mailman-Users] Content filtering

Szilard Vizi vizisz at freemail.hu
Tue Feb 24 18:21:29 CET 2004


I want to use the Mailman's content filtering option to remove
pictures from any message and put a link in the message where
the pictures are.

I couldn't find the right solution so far, and I don't want to
play with a real list, so can anyone tell me what options do
I need to change.

Secondly anyone has an idea how to make a similiar feature that
Sympa has and called "Shared web". Basically this is folder inside
the archive of the list, to where the users can upload and from
download files.
In Mailman I don't think that creating a folder with the right 
permission in the archive/private/<listname>/ would be enough.

How can I make such a "Shared web" with mailman?

Szilard Vizi

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