[Mailman-Users] adding email address to footer

Jamie Penman-Smithson jamie at silverdream.org
Thu Feb 19 20:36:33 CET 2004

On Thu, 2004-02-19 at 06:22, E Publisher wrote:
> How do I add the member's email address to my message?
> For example, in the footer of messages that come from this Mailman
> users list it has: 
> "This message was sent to: {my email address}"
> How can I do that to my own lists?

You need to enable personalisation:

Under Non-Digest options, ensure that 'personalize' is set to either Yes
or Full. Then you can make use of additional variables, one of which
being user_address, which is the user's address, and user_delivered_to
which is the address that the user subscribed with.



-jamie <jamie at silverdream.org>
 w: http://silverdream.org | p: sms at silverdream.org
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