[Mailman-Users] Switching to MacOSX

Paul Kleeberg paul at fpen.org
Sat Feb 14 04:54:59 CET 2004

I am currently using Mailman on Redhat 8.0 and to be honest it was a 
pain for me to get that to work with the redHat version of htDig which 
as it turns out was a beta version released as 3.2.  I am not looking 
to start a religious war but am considering switching to MacOSX Server 
from RedHat.  My current hardware is on its last legs and RH8 is no 
longer supported.  From the perspective of Mailman and htDig, am I 
making a mistake?  I think server comes with MM2.1.2  I doubt it comes 
with htDig.  I am marginally skilled with RH Linux and BSD.  Will be 
easier or more difficult to configure MM and htDig on the Mac than RH.  
I run only a handful of lists that have 50 to 500 users.

Paul Kleeberg
paul at fpen.org

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