[Mailman-Users] list too big?

Dave Stern - Former Rocket Scientist dave at umiacs.umd.edu
Wed Feb 11 13:26:57 CET 2004

We have a tiny sun ultra 10 handling 100-200 lists with general success.
It's running an older version of MM (2.0.13) as I haven't gotten around
to upgrading and don't see many new features we'd want.  Most of our lists
have 3-400 users and work fine. I just recently added one with over 11,000
addresses. Coincidentally, or not, the machine periodically hangs when this
list tries to send out. This is despite having added some failsafes in
sendmail eg load average refuse/delay queuing, connect and bad rcpt
throttling etc.

One thing I've see in the qrunner log is:
  Could not acquire qrunner lock

Suggestions? Has anyone had any experience with really large lists on
really small machines?

 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  generated by /dev/dave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
 David Stern                                            University of Maryland
                Institute for Advanced Computer Studies

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