[Mailman-Users] Digest being sent over and over

Dann S. Washko dann at thelinuxlink.net
Mon Dec 6 23:09:09 CET 2004

Perhaps I am missing something here and I appologize if that is the 
case.  I set up Mailman 2.1.5 to handle some very low-traffic, moderated 
lists.  Some users subscribed to the digest and we are noticing that the 
digest is being sent out everyday, even if there are no posts for that 
day, and includes all the posts from the start of the list.  I'm trying 
to figure out what is wrong.

I run some other lists on another server and the digest only goes out 
for that day if there are postings to the list.  Furthermore, once a 
digest goes out, the next one does not contain the information from the 
previous digest.  I compared the settings between the two lists and do 
not see anything different under the digest options. 

I'm running Mailman on a slackware 10.0 system.


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