[Mailman-Users] sending mail to members in batches

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Thu Dec 2 09:10:23 CET 2004

>>>>> "Darryl" == Darryl Hamilton <mailman at addict.net.nz> writes:

    Darryl> I'm wondering if there is a setting in mailman to send
    Darryl> mail out to members of a list in batches - for example
    Darryl> send 100, wait 30 seconds, send to the next 100, wait 30
    Darryl> seconds, and so on.

    Darryl> This is a cPanel install (and from what I've heard, they
    Darryl> distribute a custom version of mailman), but they don't
    Darryl> have any settings I can change. I've seen the Exim tweaks
    Darryl> and will be looking at implementing them, but I'm not sure
    Darryl> if it'll be enough.

There's a note in one of the source files, I think it's Runner.py,
something like "this is where you could implement things like
throttling."  While cPanel users normally don't have access to the
software installation, your comment about fiddling with Exim suggests
that maybe you do.  Sure, that's more work than you're describing, but
it's a late (or last) resort.

FWIW, I will say that IMO Mailman is very well designed for this kind
of hacking; something like throttling is reasonably complex in itself,
but Mailman won't make it harder than it needs to be.

Another possibility would be a custom processing pipeline, but
implementing it there would basically amount to a busy loop, and use
an excessive amount of resources.

Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences     http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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