[Mailman-Users] problem sending messages to the list

Javier Cano Linares javiercano at universia.net
Thu Apr 22 11:11:42 CEST 2004

Hi everybody out there!

I have a small problem. Yes, I know, maybe it is a newbie issue, I am
sorry about that...
I have just installed and configured a Linux system with Postfix 2.0.14
and the latest stable mailman version.
I create a list, the owner receives a message from the list. I can
subscribe new members to this list who can confirm their ownership to
the list via the web interface and then they receive the welcome
The problem comes when a user tries to send a message to the list. The
problem appears sending message from outside.

The list is called prueba, the user trying to send a message is
javiercano at universia.net.

Here is an excerpt of file /var/log/mail:

Apr 22 04:16:30 postman postfix/smtpd[22763]: connect from
Apr 22 04:16:30 postman postfix/smtpd[22763]: 5D54F31C6B:
Apr 22 04:16:30 postman postfix/smtpd[22763]: 5D54F31C6B: reject: RCPT
from unknown[]: 450 <prueba at postman.universia.net>: User
unknown in local recipient table; from=<javiercano at universia.net>
to=<prueba at postman.universia.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<universia.net>
Apr 22 04:16:31 postman postfix/smtpd[22763]: disconnect from

Thank you for your help!

Javier Cano

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