[Mailman-Users] usenet news <-> mailman gateway config question

peter at phmb.biz peter at phmb.biz
Sun Apr 18 23:17:22 CEST 2004

I'm getting there with the mailman <-> news gateway, but I need some help!

I've got the Default.py file updated to have the correct nntp server and
the logon details. It should be the ~mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py file, but,
as far as I can see from the documentation, the Default.py file is merged
with the mm_cfg.py file so it should work.

I've got to get the cron job to work, but, before that, I wanted to test
it. So, following the manual, I ran:

python -S gate_news

  File "cron/gate_news", line 83
    print >> fd, _(__doc__)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

This does not look good to me!

The documentation says that it is possible to run the cron script
directly, as I have done, so it should work.

Is this a known bug?

Has somebody out there actually got gate_news running properly? If so,
what goes on in lines 80-85?

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