[Mailman-Users] Restricting access to listinfo

Colin Rowat c.rowat at bham.ac.uk
Sat Apr 17 20:39:22 CEST 2004

Dear list members,

I would like to set up a mailing list with higher than normal privacy
levels.  In particular, I would prefer the list description usually
found on listinfo not to be in the public domain.  Two options occur to

1. place a minimal version of listinfo in the public domain so that only
those looking for it find it.  In this case, I would like information on
the list, and its code of conduct, to be agreed to by would-be
subscribers.  This seems to involve editing the subscription
confirmation e-mail.  Is this possible?  If so, I would appreciate
guidance on how to do so.  (I assume that editting the monthly
subscription notice is similar.)

2. password protect listinfo and handle subscribe requests manually.  In
this case, I would like the password used to gain access to the listinfo
page to be the same as that for the account.  Is this possible?  If so,
guidance again appreciated.

n.b. this list contained a short correspondence on this topic in
February 2000.

Thank you in advance,

Colin Rowat

work | Room 406, Department of Economics | The University of Birmingham
| Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK | www.economics.bham.ac.uk/rowat | ( 44/0) 121
414 3754 | (+44/0) 121 414 7377 (fax) | c.rowat at bham.ac.uk

personal | (+44/0) 7768 056 984 (mobile) | (+44/0) 7092 378 517 (fax) |
(707) 221 3672 (US fax) | c.rowat at espero.org.uk 

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