[Mailman-Users] How to approve a message

Yves Dorfsman yves at zioup.com
Tue Apr 13 04:39:01 CEST 2004

How does one approve a message ?

On one of my list, when a non-member sends a message I get this:

If you reply to this message, keeping the Subject: header intact,
Mailman will discard the held message.  Do this if the message is
spam.  If you reply to this message and include an Approved: header
with the list password in it, the message will be approved for posting
to the list.  The Approved: header can also appear in the first line
of the body of the reply.

For the ones I want to be discarded, I simply reply, and sure enough it
discards the message. But no combination of "Approved: something" I
have sent back makes it accept the message.

Any idea ?


Yves Dorfsman                                             yves at zioup.com

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