[Mailman-Users] Is there a patch which improves bulk mailing?

Wayne Spivak wspivak at sbanetweb.com
Tue Sep 30 17:00:12 CEST 2003

I have two lists, each with 20,000 names on them.  The algorithm Mailman
uses, to create the list e-mail output, is to say the least inefficient.

There was a program that was used in conjunction with Majordomo called
Bulk-mailer which did a tremendous job.  

In effect, it bundled addresses based on domain name, and let you limit
how many domain names were sent in the same e-mail.  This way, on a 20K
list, maybe 500 e-mails would go out, but they would do it in a fraction
of the time Mailman currently does it (it takes about 6 - 10 hours).


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