[Mailman-Users] Hide list address?

Paul H Byerly paul at thcwd.com
Sat Sep 27 03:05:26 CEST 2003

Ricardo Kleemann wrote:
>Is there any way to configure Mailman such that, for an
>announcement-only type list, when a message is sent to the
>list, the To: shows the member's address, rather than the
>list address?

      Let me add to Jon's answer with the warning that doing these things 
is increasingly likely to cause mail to be tagged as spam and it can then 
be rejected, dumped or reported to a black list.  I hate spam as much as 
the next guy (probably more) but the over zealous and often clueless 
attempts to stop it seem to be better and better at blocking legitimate, 
wanted mail.

<>< Paul 

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