[Mailman-Users] Host name problem

George Booth G.Booth at usm.edu
Thu Sep 4 17:51:50 CEST 2003

Mailman Version: 2.0.13
OS: Redhat Linux

Hi Mailman users,

Currently, we're migrating from Majordomo to Mailman, and have run into a host 
name issue. The email server we use has one domain, while we use an aliasing 
system for our email addresses; for instance, my alias is G.Booth at usm.edu, but 
this mail would be forwarded through our LDAP system to 
ghbooth at ocean.otr.usm.edu, which is also the server our Mailman lists are on. 
This causes a problem with list names and the admin email addresses for each 
list. Changing the host name for each list to listname at usm.edu, which is how 
our system needs to operate, causes the problem of having 
listname-request at usm.edu to appear, which needs to remain as 
listname-request at ocean.otr.usm.edu

In order to get listname-request at usm.edu to work, we would have to add, for 
over 1000 lists, that alias into our routing system, from which our LDAP draws 
information. That would be for listname-request, listname-admin, 
listname-owner, etc. We would rather not have to go through that. It would be 
much simpler if there were a way to modify the default message that Mailman 
sends out when someome subscribers, when user password notifications go out 
once a month, etc.

Is there, perhaps, a central location that I've not run across as yet to modify 
these emails to provide for 2 different host names (one for the list address, 
one for the administration addresses)?

I'll be happy to clarify any part of this that I may not have made clear. :)



George Booth                        G.Booth at usm.edu
Systems Analyst II                  http://ocean.otr.usm.edu/~ghbooth
       TSM, Listserv, and Web Accounts Administrator
           Technology Infrastructure Unit - iTech
             University of Southern Mississippi

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