[Mailman-Users] Re: cant access public archive from the Net

Paul H Byerly paul at thcwd.com
Thu Oct 9 20:08:38 CEST 2003

Ben Edwards wrote:
> From a Browser I am trying to find out how to access the public archive
>for a list I created called bfm. The link the general list info page
>says is
>But got a 'The requested URL /pipermail/bfm/ was not found on this
>server.'. Had a look on the server and found

      I'm still getting a log in for a private archive at 
http://lists.serverone.co.uk/mailman/private/bfm .  It can't be both, and 
something still lives there.  This also shows up in your locate results, 
lots of stuff under the private/bfm .

>Which seems to be the archive. I cant find any directory called
>pipermail on the server.

      And you won't - it's a virtual directory created when the virtual 
files are created.  What is in /usr/local/mailman/archives/public/bfm 
should show up on-line as http://lists.serverone.co.uk/pipermail/bfm .  I 
suspect you have wrong aliases set in /etc/aliases.  You need to remove the 
aliases for the private archive, add the ones for the public archive, and 
probably run `newaliases' .  I don't know if it matters, but I'd remove the 
old list completely (from the web or the command line) before changing the 
aliases.  As I recall removing a list does not by default remove the 
archives, so you could move the archives to the public list if you want.
      I also wonder how you were able to create a new list with the same 
name as an existing list?  Maybe it did not create it, and you need to 
remove the old one, create the new one, then do the aliases.

<>< Paul 

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