[Mailman-Users] smtp-failure: sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts

David Wuertele dave-mlist at bfnet.com
Sat Nov 22 04:13:04 CET 2003

I'm using mailman with qmail, and I see the following report in

  Nov 22 03:02:34 2003 (13250) delivery to dave-mlist at bfnet.com failed
  with code 553: sorry, that domain isn't in my list of \allowed
  rcpthosts (#5.7.1)

Now, I'm suprised to see this, because bfnet.com is not a local
address, it is the address of a subscriber.  This looks like mailman
is trying to use my smtpd as a relay.  Why doesn't it just use
qmail-inject, or at least /usr/lib/sendmail, which is a link to

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