[Mailman-Users] Customisation within Message Body

Adam Giddens adam at musichqmedia.com
Fri Nov 21 15:06:38 CET 2003

I have turned of personalisation within the message footer and it now
includes the recipients email address - that works a treat. Is it possible
to include the variables like %(user_delivered_to)s within the message body,
not just the footer. I would like to include links that include the
recipients email address for tracking purposes. I would need to include the
variables within a HTML message, is that possible? How would I go about
doing it?
Any help is great,
Adam Giddens
Music HQ Media
T: 01923 431685
F: 01923 431885
E:  <mailto:adam at ukclubbing.com> adam at ukclubbing.com
All promo's and PR's to: 54 Clarendon Road, Watford, WD17 1DU
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