[Mailman-Users] Using Mailman with httpd listening to ports other than the default of 80?

Richard Barrett r.barrett at openinfo.co.uk
Sat May 31 13:52:02 CEST 2003

At 08:15 31/05/2003, Dean Hayes wrote:
>Port 80 is blocked by the cable company.  I've been successful in
>running the apache server on port 2080 to serve up web pages.
>Is there any way to configure Mailman to build it's internal URLs
>to append :2080 at the end of the domain name?  I tried running
>configure with the switch --with-urlhost=mydomain:2080 which almost

For MM 2.1.x redefine the following URL prototypes from 
$prefix/Mailman/Defaults.py in $prefix/Mailman/mm_cfg.py to include the 
port number in the pattern:



You will also need to run the $prefix/bin/withlist script fix_url.py to 
propagate the change to existing mailing lists.

>When I try to create a list from the web site, the URLs in the
>pages don't have the port number included which causes an error.

Richard Barrett                                      http://www.openinfo.co.uk

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