[Mailman-Users] List members not receiving mail?

Rajib Momen elrond at bostoncomputing.net
Wed May 21 22:22:06 CEST 2003


So I look through /var/log/maillog and notice a few things. Some of the
messages say stat=Sent. Others say stat=Deferred, more still say
stat=User unknown, and finally, I noticed that for many of the addresses
which failed, it says stat=Service unavailable. I think this here is
what I need to troubleshoot. Let me get you an example of a line in the

May 20 18:51:11 listserv sendmail[29107]: h4KMjPE29105:
to=<elrond at bostoncomputing.net>,<tmclaughlin at bostoncomputing.net>,<scarr
oll at bostoncomputing.net>,<rune at bostoncomputing.net>, delay=00:05:45,
xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=esmtp, pri=2652480, relay=bostoncomputing.net.
[], dsn=5.0.0, stat=Service unavailable

Best regards,
Rajib Momen

-----Original Message-----
From: Frederic Perrouin [mailto:frederic.perrouin at unilog.fr] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:17 PM
To: Rajib Momen; mailman-users at python.org
Subject: RE : [Mailman-Users] List members not receiving mail?


At first you can look in your MTA logs.

Best regards,


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Rajib Momen [mailto:elrond at bostoncomputing.net] 
Envoyé : mercredi 21 mai 2003 19:11
À : mailman-users at python.org
Objet : [Mailman-Users] List members not receiving mail?

Hi guys,
Anyone know how you can check which users on a certain list during a
given mailing got the message, and which did not? I was looking through
my error log thingy in mailman/logs and didn't see anything. Is there
somewhere else I should be looking? Last night it appears that some
people received a particular message while many others did not and I'm
trying to troubleshoot it. Frankly, I don't even know where to begin.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Best regards,
Rajib Momen

President, Director of I.T.
Boston Computing Network
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