[Mailman-Users] setting posting privileges

Martin Skjoldebrand Martin.Skjoldebrand at forumsyd.se
Sat May 17 17:50:13 CEST 2003

"Martin Skjoldebrand" <Martin.Skjoldebrand at forumsyd.se>
>If not, you could perhaps setup a group on your mail server
>and subscribe the group to the list.

To clearify:
Our main server is a First Class 7.1 server. One neat thing
is that I can create a conference on the server (say BA)
and give everyone on the FC server (or limited to taste)
post access to the BA conference. Conferences are
automatically given email addresses in FC so I can
subscribe BA at mycompany.com to a Mailman list. Setting up
rules the relays messages from the BA conference to the
Mailman list I manage I can give people mail access without
personally being on the list.

That is also a way that I backup my lists.
By sub'ing BA I get all messages copied to another server
as backup.

mvh/ Regards,

Martin S.
CTO, Forum Syd
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