[Mailman-Users] Autoresponder only once?

Oliver Egginger Oliver.Egginger at dvz.fh-giessen.de
Fri May 16 13:19:15 CEST 2003

Hello again,

when I switch on the autoresponder, any sender address gets only
one message from the autoresponder namely for the first post.
So it is a "First-Post-Only-Autoresponder"		

I was wondering whether this is some kind of magic?
But then I did a find in files for the corresponding addresses 
and saw them spooking in "config.pck".

So is it a bug or a feature?

- oliver

Oliver Egginger <hg6522 at mailserv.fh-giessen.de>
Fachochschule Giessen-Friedberg

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